Taskforce31 MACO

R15 RC Nominations Begin


Commanding Officers of Region Fifteen,

It is my duty as the Inspector General for STARFLEET to announce the
opening of the nomination phase for the Region Fifteen Regional Coordinator
(RC) Election. The nomination phase will run from April 1, 2018 thru April
30, 2018, 11:59 pm Eastern Standard Time. The term of the Regional
Coordinator will be from July 1, 2018 thru June 30, 2020.

Those seeking nomination for Regional Coordinator must receive at least 10%
of the nominations from commanding officers of chapters in good standing in
the region. For Region Fifteen that means each prospective nominee must get at
least two nominations each to be eligible to run for Regional Coordinator.
Those chapter COs submitting nominations must include the following
information in their email/letter: In an instance where a chapter CO is the
RC or planning to run for RC, the first officer may submit the nomination
on behalf of the chapter assuming that the RC is the one being nominated.
If the incumbent RC or CO is nominating someone else they may go ahead and
submit on behalf of their ship if they are the CO.

– Name of the nominating CO’s chapter
– The nominating CO’s name and SCC#
– The nominating CO’s contact information (email, mailing address)
– Name of the candidate they are nominating
– Signature and date (Those submitting nominations by email must use the
email address that is registered in the STARFLEET database. Your email
address and date of the email fulfill the requirement of the signature and

Individuals wishing to run for RC must submit a letter to the Inspector
General STARFLEET expressing their intent to run and include the following

– Name and contact address/email
– Date of birth
– A statement that they are at least 21 years of age and meet all the
requirements for the position of Regional Coordinator
– A statement that if nominated and elected they will serve as the RC
– Signature and date (Those submitting letters of intent by email must use
the email address that is registered in the STARFLEET database. Your email
address and date of the email fulfill the requirement of the signature and

All letters of nomination and intent are due to the Office of the Inspector
General STARFLEET by the last day of the nomination phase which is April
30, 2018. Those sending nominations and letters of intent by email send
them to IG@SFI.ORG. Those mailing their nominations/letters of intent mail
them to the following address:

Office of the Inspector General STARFLEET
Attn: Fleet Captain Stephen Stott
114 Brickingham Way
Columbia, SC 29229

If only one candidate is nominated that candidate will immediately become
the Regional Coordinator upon announcement of the election results. If any
candidate receives 50%+1 or more of the nominations from the chapters in
the region, that candidate automatically will become the RC upon
announcement of the results. If no one nominee reaches the 50%+1 of
nominations and there is more than one nominee then we will move to the
next phase which is the election phase. The person receiving the majority
of votes from eligible chapters in the region will win the election and
upon announcement of the results become the Regional Coordinator.

Again, the deadline for submitting nominations is 11:59 pm EST, April 30,
2018. If there are any questions please let me know. Also please make sure
you email your input to IG@SFI.ORG. Thank you.

Live long and prosper,

Fleet Captain Stephen Stott
Inspector General STARFLEET
email: ig@sfi.org

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