Taskforce31 MACO

Announcement of Election Voting Phase for Region 15 Regional Coordinator Election


Commanding Officers of Region 15,

The following nominees have sent a letter of intent and received the
minimum number of nominations to become a candidate for the Region 15
Regional Coordinator election:

Paul Dyl
Cory Grant
James Knotts

The voting phase of the election will run from May 1, 2018 thru May 30
2018. Chapter COs must send who they are voting for out of the candidates
listed above to me at ig@sfi.org. If you wish to mail me your vote please
address it to:

Inspector General STARFLEET
ATTN: Fleet Captain Stephen Stott
114 Brickingham Way
Columbia, SC 29229

At the end of the voting phase the candidate that receives the majority of
votes will become the Regional Coordinator upon announcement from the
Commander STARFLEET.

Once you have sent me your vote I will respond with an acknowledgement
message that I got your vote. I will also post a weekly update on which
chapters voted so if you don’t see your chapter listed and you know you
voted by receiving an message from me please hit me back. I want to ensure
your vote is counted. Good Luck to the candidates.

Live long and prosper,

Fleet Captain Stephen Stott
Inspector General STARFLEET

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