Taskforce31 MACO

R15 RC Candidate James Knotts


Greetings Region 15

A lot of people spend time talking about what’s wrong with STARFLEET. While we can all agree that there are things that need to change, I would like to focus on what’s right about STARFLEET. To me, STARFLEET should be the embodiment of what’s best about humanity. We are a celebration of the dream inspired by Gene Roddenberry for a better, brighter future. Star Trek has played a huge role in shaping my character. I believe it taught me at a young age to always stand for what is right and to never back down in the face of the unknown. To always seek the answers, and that there is no such thing as a no-win situation. These are things that I have carried throughout my adult life.

I am supportive of the work being done by the current administration to streamline STARFLEET. I firmly believe that any fleet-wide department needs to bring something to the organization. We don’t need departments that exist just to exist, we need departments that engage the membership and add to the experience of being part of STARFLEET. We also need to ensure that we are in strict compliance with the law in regards to using other people’s intellectual property and trademarks. I support their efforts to utilize marketing and branding as that will go a long way towards improving our image and getting the word out that STARFLEET is here to welcome Star Trek fans from all over the globe to a long running and well-established fan organization.

I also support the work being done here in Region 15. The awards program is off to a great start and the new region website looks great. That’s not to say there’s not more work to be done. What we really need as a Region is a double shot of passion. I hope to ignite that passion in our current membership. I want to see Region 15 leading STARFLEET in testing innovative ideas and programs. We need to become the change that we want to see in STARFLEET. As part of that goal, bringing in new members and encouraging them to pitch in their talents to make STARFLEET better will be important. It’s easy to bring in new members if you are excited about what you are doing and are having fun. Excitement is contagious.

While my methods on the USS Narragansett may not work for everyone, we do have lots of great ideas that can be adapted to other ships. We have enjoyed explosive growth of our chapter over the past year using simple techniques that can be customized and replicated by other chapters. A big part of our success is drawing in new talent and giving people the tools they need to succeed. That’s why leadership positions on the Narragansett require academy courses around leadership. Officer’s positions come with assignments and failure to complete the assignments have consequences.

We also have programs for the members who are looking for something else. It might be that just want to come to meetings, or they want to participate in away missions, or have fun with RPG missions in chat, or talk about the latest Trek collectibles on Facebook, or discuss the latest episode of Discovery, or write for the website or the newsletter, or even just hang out and chat with the other members of the crew about Star Trek Online or life in general. We are also developing a robust program for our cadets that incorporates the resources at STARFLEET Academy as well as other STEM education. All of these are available on the USS Narragansett right now, and we are constantly looking for ways to innovate or improve our offerings for the crew. I think we can do the same for the Region, and I think we can do it together.

If I am elected Regional Coordinator for Region 15, not only would I represent R15’s best interests with the Admiralty Board, I plan to appoint a very organized Regional staff who will be expected to utilize their talents to make the Region the best in STARFLEET, and hold them accountable for completing what they volunteer to accomplish. I will post positions and look for applicants that meet the needs of said positions. I will be looking for great ideas and people who can put them into action. The region is more than the sum of its Commanding Officers, it’s the sum of all it’s members. We can do great things if we all work together.

Proudly In Service
CPT James Knotts
Commanding Officer
“Knowledge Through Exploration”

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