Taskforce31 MACO

Third MACO Group Command & MCOs

3rd MACO Special Warfare Group Staff

MACO GRP Commander:Eddie Riddle
MACO GRP Deputy Commander:Alisha Peffer
MACO S1 (Personnel):Position Vacant
MACO S2 (Intelligence):Position Vacant
MACO S3 (Operations):Position Vacant
MACO S4 (Logistics):Position Vacant
MACO S5 (Training):Position Vacant
MACO S6 (Communications):Position Vacant
MACO S7 (Public Affairs):Position Vacant
MACO GRP CMCPO:Position Vacant

1st Battalion, 3rd MACO Special Warfare Group

MACO BN Commander:John Mogilka Jr
MACO BN Deputy Commander:Jessica Daniels

Currently No MACO Companies Assigned

MCO-A-0103 “Dead Heads”
Station Robert de Bruce SFR-102
Captain John Mogilka Jr
“Our first line of defense”
MCO-B-0103 “Dimensional Knights”
USS Gallifrey NCV-4744391
FCPT Gary Daniels
“The price of freedom is eternal vigilance”
MCO-C-0103 “Titans”
USS Titan NCC-80102
COM Doug Kirk
“For the Glory of Humanity”
MCO-D-0103 “Fire Breathers”
USS Draco NCC-82891
ENS Steven Dilday
“The Dragon of Hell”
MCO-E-0103 “Hammerheads”
USS Starward Fury NCC-2122
CPT Eddie Riddle
“Hammer Time”
MCO-F-0103 “Conquistadors”
USS Explorer NCC-70493
CPT Anthony Vickers
“The conquest of fear lies in the moment of its acceptance”
MCO-G-0103 “Hydras”
USS Archimedes NCC-83002
CPT Danny Strickland
“If a head is cut off, two more shall take its place”

2nd Battalion, 3rd MACO Special Warfare Group

MACO BN Commander:Fred Mogilka Jr
MACO BN Deputy Commander:Carlton Staples
MCO-A-0203 “Amazons”
USS Bellerophon NCC-74705
ENS Bradley Whaley
“We Can Take It”
MCO-B-0203 “Stingrays”
USS Pendragon NCC-93720
COM Leonard Peffer Sr
“Mercy is not our way”

3rd Battalion, 3rd MACO Special Warfare Group

MACO BN Commander:Position Vacant
MACO BN Deputy Commander:Position Vacant

Currently No MACO Companies Assigned

4th Battalion, 3rd MACO Special Warfare Group

MACO BN Commander:Position Vacant
MACO BN Deputy Commander:Position Vacant

Currently No MACO Companies Assigned

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