Taskforce31 MACO

MACO Awards Program FAQ

This Page contains some general information about the Starfleet Task Force 31 MACO Awards Program. Complete and more detailed information can be found in the Starfleet Task Force 31 MACO Awards Manual. This page was designed to answer some basic information about the program.

If the answers you seek are not located on these pages, then please contact the Starfleet Task Force 31 MACO G-1 at tf31maco_g1@gmail.com

1. Why should I download the MACO Awards Manual?
The Manual serves as a reference guide to the Starfleet Task Force 31 MACO Awards Program and gives information about the MACO Awards Program that is vital to the MACO operatives and units desiring to take advantage to the program benefits.  It provides crucial information about the MACO Awards Program including what are the MACO award categories, awards available, the criteria for each, and information on how the annual awards work (and more). The manual took several months of research and development and is about 80 pages in length.

2. What information is included in the Manual?
The Starfleet Task Force 31 MACO Awards Manual has the following information: A listing of all the Operator who worked very hard to make this program possible and why we have it. How to nominate a MACO Operator for an award and who can do the nominating. A listing of the various Achievement Awards, Service Awards, Training Awards and MACO Special Skill Badges. Which and how the annual awards are done. Information on the Starfleet Task Force 31 MACO Award Ribbons (Both TOS style and TWOK style), and how to wear them.

3. Who can receive Starfleet Task Force 31 MACO Awards? 
Any active Starfleet Task Force 31-member, chapter in training, chapter, or department currently assigned to Starfleet Task Force 31 MACOs, or any Civilian or Civilian organization, other Star Trek related organizations or Non-Task Force member that assists a Starfleet Task Force 31 MACO Unit.

4. Who can nominate Starfleet Task Force 31 MACO Operatives for awards?
The MACO Operator can be recommended by a member of the Starfleet Task Force 31 chain of command such as the STF31 Commander or Deputy Commander and the MACO chain of command such as a MACO Team Leader, Sector and Quadrant Commanders, and any MACO General Staff Officer. Nominations may also come from any member of the MACO Unit Chapter Commanding Officer’s, Chapter XOs, and Chapter Department Chiefs or Away Team OIC. Chapter Commanding Officer’s and XOs can nominate Starfleet Task Force 31 MACO Awards for any MACO Operator assigned to his chapter. Starfleet Task Force 31 MACO Operators may also nominate other Starfleet Task Force 31 MACO Operators for MACO awards for actions they have firsthand knowledge of. We ask that you also notify that Operator’s Unit Team Leader to let them know. Awards on the MACO unit level need to be approved by either the chapter Commanding Officer or Executive Officer. Be sure to see the information in the Awards Manual Appendix.

5. How often can I nominate a MACO Operator of my MACO Unit for Awards?
We suggest that MACO Units submit their nominations annually or monthly. We would like to receive the nominations at least one month before you need them for your awards presentations. We encourage all Starfleet Task Force 31 MACO Operators to use the program as often as possible.

6. Does everyone who is nominated for an award receive one?
NO, but a majority are! The Starfleet Task Force 31 MACO awards were not designed to be given out like candy but designed to recognize those MACO Operators that have gone the extra mile. Before nominating an Operator for an award, the Nominating Officer must first be certain that the award is warranted in the first place. Awards must not be recommended for a MACO Operator or chapter that simply performs their duty as expected. Usually, if you have to ask yourself if the award is warranted, then it probably isn’t. Typically, a Operator/chapter has made a SIGNIFICANT accomplishment or achievement; or has performed their duty with ABOVE average zeal and diligence. This is what should be considered and noted. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU INCLUDE ADEQUATE DETAILS or DOCUMENTATION WITH THE RECOMMENDATIONS (see the Appendix in the MACO Awards Manual). In addition, you can’t get multiple Starfleet Task Force 31 MACO awards from a single action or award entry.

7. Can I get Awards for Stuff that I did a long time ago? 
If you have certain awards like OBC or OAC. Current Sector DSAs or other awards that you have a certificate for you can get the ribbon for these. Just provide a copy of the Awards Certificate.

8. The MACO Awards Manual states that nominations need to be approved by my immediate supervisor, why is this?
Nominations at the chapter/unit level, they need to be approved by at least the Commanding Officer or First Officer as they are the first line Commanders responsible for you..

9. Are the awards certificates FREE?
Yes – So long as the MACO Awards Program can generate funds to support the printing of the initial certificates. However, we do ask that those requesting awards certificates provide adequate postage and/or a large SASE. Starfleet Task Force 31 MACO Operators have the option to have the award certificate sent as a pdf file. Also, we limit only 1 certificate per recipient. Additional copies of award certificates can be purchased for $1. The only conditions are that the certificates are issued to the original recipients and the award was issued less than six months ago.

10. Where can I purchase the MACO Award Ribbons, Ribbon Holder, and Devices? 
Award Ribbons and Devices can be ordered from the Starfleet Task Force 31 MACO Quartermaster or the MACO G-4. The form is located on the home page of the Starfleet Task Force 31 MACO Quartermaster site and MACO Awards Program site.

11. What are ‘UNIT’ Awards?
A Unit is anybody of Starfleet Task Force 31 MACO Operators who work together on a project or task (it’s a Team). This could be an away team, a MACO Operational Detachment, the chapter, MACO Operators of different STF31 chapters. We ask that the team leader submit the group for the award.

12. Where do I send my nominations?
To the Starfleet Task Force 31 MACO G-1. Alternatively, you can use the on-line form to submit all award nominations.

13. Is the MACO Awards Program open to ideas for new awards?
YES! The MACO Awards Program is designed to recognize the works and accomplishments of the MACO Operators and units in the Starfleet Task Force 31 MACO. If you have an idea for a new award that is NOT covered by an existing award that you feel is needed, give the details to your MACO Team Leader and they will present it to the Starfleet Task Force 31 MACO Awards Board. This is your awards program.

14. Why does the STF31 MACO use both the triangular ribbons as seen in The Original Series and the bar ribbons as seen in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country?
The TOS style of ribbons resemble the triangular ribbons seen on the dress tunics in the classic “Star Trek” and “Star Trek: Discovery” series. Of course, “Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country” used award ribbons that were the familiar rectangular military style of ribbons similar to those used today by the military, the police, and even other first responders. Because each individual Operator and MACO Unit can choose which era that they or their unit exists in. Having both styles allows both the Starfleet Task Force 31 MACO Operator and unit to have a choice closer to the era being identified with.

15. How will these ribbons look on the Newer Uniforms as seen in the latest TNG Movies and DS9?
The MACO Awards Manual has diagrams in the Annex Section that show how you can wear the ribbons on the formals and standard duty uniforms. You can also wear these ribbons on your chapter/unit jacket or shirt depending on your chapter guidelines.

16. Who is on the Awards Board?
The Starfleet Task Force 31 MACO Awards Board (Sometimes referred to the Awards Committee) consists of the MACO Commander, MACO Deputy Commander, MACO G-1, and MACO Command Sergeant Major.

17. If I have questions, comments or suggestions for the MACO Awards Program, who do I send them to?
You can send them to the Starfleet Task Force 31 MACO G-1. The Awards Board will discuss them and get more information on the idea if necessary.

Listed below are some General FAQ on the Starfleet Task Force 31 MACO Annual Awards. If you have any further questions about the awards, please either refer to the Starfleet Task Force 31 MACO Awards Manual or contact the Starfleet Task Force 31 MACO G-1. All questions are answered as quickly as possible.

C/O Paul Dyl
44 Holyoke Ave
Warwick, RI 02889

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