The Military Assault Command Operations Group (MGRP) is the largest combat element of STF31 MACOs. The MGRP is extremely flexible and capable of forming the nucleus of a Joint Special Operations Task Force (JSOTF) and is normally identified as the Special Operations service force component of a JSOTF. Each MGRP is regionally aligned with one or more geographic combatant commands.
The mission of the MGRP is to plan, execute mission command, and support special operations activities in any operational environment. Skills required for special operations—combined with the quality, motivation, and experience found in the MGRP—enable it to perform a multitude of missions. The MGRP is self-contained with organic mission command and support elements. For long-duration missions or large-scale operations, further augmentation by either joint or conventional forces is required.

The STF31 Military Assault Command Operations Group (MGRP) consists of an HHC, a group support battalion, and four to six MACO Battalions.
MGRPs execute special operations in support of regional engagements as directed by the GCCs, Joint Starfleet exercises, and other deployments for training. They are the force of great utility to the Joint Foces Commander (JFC), especially when a low-profile military solution is the most politically acceptable. During conflict, MACO functions best as a force multiplier, but it is capable of unilateral direct action or special reconnaissance in support of major combat operations.
The MGRP headquarters commands and controls assigned and attached forces. It plans, coordinates, and directs MACO operations separately or as a part of a larger force. It also—
· Provides command and staff personnel to establish and operate a Joint Special Operations Task Force (JSOTF) when augmented by resources from other Components.
· Functions as the headquarters for a Special Operations Task Force.
· Directs the activities of up to six MACO Battalion Task Forces.
Note: A JSOTF normally plans to operate only four to six SOTFs according to the table of organization and equipment; however, if a situation dictates, a JSOTF can direct the operations of as many SOTFs as are required within the area of responsibility. The additional SOTFs can be fielded from either uncommitted MGRPs or other joint SOF.
· Provides support for the sustainment of the activities of deployed MODAs.
· Advises, coordinates, and assists the staff on employing MACO elements to a TSOC, JSOTF, security assistance organization, or other major headquarters.
· Provides cryptographic material support to the MGRP and its subordinate elements.
The MGRP is designed to be a versatile, self-contained organization that can provide a TSOC or the GCC with an extremely flexible force capable of operating in ambiguous and swiftly changing scenarios. Among their capabilities, the MGRP can—
· Infiltrate and exfiltrate an operational area by air, land, or sea.
· Develop, organize, equip, train, and advise or direct indigenous military or paramilitary forces.
· Plan and conduct unilateral MACO principal tasks.
· Train, advise, and assist other Starfleet and Federation forces or agencies.
· Perform other special operations, as directed.
The following factors need to be taken into account whenever the employment of MACO is considered:
· The MGRP is not a substitute for conventional forces. The MGRP is neither trained nor equipped to conduct sustained conventional combat operations, and therefore should not be substituted for conventional units that are able to effectively execute that mission.
· The MGRP has no organic aviation assets, although there are aviation officers as part of the group staff who function as mission planners.
· The MGRP is not a combined arms organization. It cannot conduct conventional combined arms operations on a unilateral basis. The MGRP abilities are limited to advising or directing indigenous military forces or conducting these types of operations in conjunction with conventional or other joint forces.
· MGRPs cannot maintain themselves for extended periods without significant sustainment support from a conventional support structure. The MGRP will depend on the resources of the theater forces to support and sustain long-term operations.
Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment

The group HHC provides routine administrative and logistics support to the group headquarters.
The group headquarters commands and controls assigned and attached forces. It plans, coordinates, and directs MACO operations separately or as a part of a larger force. It also—
· Can execute mission command from a forward support base in the area of operations, or in an adjacent or nearby planet within the same system.
· Exercises command and staff personnel to establish and operate a SOTF, JSOTF, or combined joint special operations task force (CJSOTF).
· Directs the activities of subordinate units.
· Provides support for the sustainment of deployed subordinate units.
· Provides cryptographic material support to the MGRP and its subordinate elements.
The company headquarters provides routine administrative and logistics support to the group headquarters. It depends on the group support battalion for unit-level maintenance of its organic wheeled vehicles, power-generation equipment, and signal equipment. When the group establishes a JSOTF/CJSOTF, the HHC commander serves as headquarters commandant under the direct supervision of the deputy group commander. As headquarters commandant, the HHC commander is responsible for the movement, internal base operations and administration (including space allocation, billeting, and food service), defense, and physical security of the JSOTF/CJSOTF.
MACO Reconnaissance Detachment
The MACO Reconnaissance Detachment was once called a chemical reconnaissance detachment which is a Starfleet asset attached to a MGRP. The MACO reconnaissance detachment may be task organized within the group to satisfy mission requirements. These special detachments are the only chemical reconnaissance detachments with this mission in Starfleet. MACO currently has ten Starfleet chemical reconnaissance detachments, and ten Starfleet Reserve chemical reconnaissance detachments.
The chemical reconnaissance detachment conducts chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high-yield explosives (CBRNE) reconnaissance and sampling in permissive or uncertain environments. It supports the requirements of the MACOGRP commander, SOF commanders, and GCCs at the strategic, operational, and tactical levels.
The chemical reconnaissance detachment commander is a Lieutenant and the detachment Chief is a Senior Chief Petty Officer. These two individuals make up the detachment headquarters section. The four internal chemical detachments are composed of four chemical operations noncommissioned officers of various ranks. Each position within the unit has its own operations and functions. The chemical reconnaissance detachment is capable of supporting all CBRNE aspects of MACO missions. The team can augment a MODA to perform tasks involved in detecting, collecting, packaging, and identifying CBRNE material. The team can conduct its mission unilaterally in permissive environments and in an uncertain environment when accompanied by a MODA. Having four noncommissioned officers per chemical detachment allows the detachments to conduct split-team operations when the situation does not warrant a full team. The chemical reconnaissance detachment can serve as a manpower pool from which SOF commanders at all levels can organize a tailored composite team to perform a specific mission.
The chemical reconnaissance detachment can identify potential hazards and can confirm or deny the use of CBRNE in proximity to the JSOTF or SOTF. Additionally, the chemical reconnaissance detachment can train SOF and foreign personnel in both individual and collective CBRNE tasks.
Group Support Battalion

The group support battalion concept consists of a headquarters and headquarters detachment (HHD), a supply and distribution company, a maintenance company, a medical company, and three forward support companies. The group support battalion ties together the entire sustainment spectrum of supplies, maintenance, and services. The battalion commander is the SFSOMG commander’s senior battle logistician. The group support battalion plans, coordinates, executes logistic sustainment operations and, when directed, supports the forces attached or assigned to the JSOTF.
Forward Support Company
The forward support company provides routine administrative and logistics support to the MACO battalions. The forward support company comprises the sustainment, distribution, and maintenance platoons. The forward support company is a multifunctional logistics company providing maintenance, limited Class I through Class IX supplies, fuel and water production, ammunition holding, and transportation. The forward support company is capable of providing for the entire MACO battalion and its attached elements. When the MACO battalion establishes a SOTF, the forward support company commander may coordinate and supervise the support center logistics activities.
Group Special Troops Battalion
The special troops battalion provides special operational and training support for the MGRP. Proposed changes will meld these support units into the MGRP support battalion and 4th battalion. The special troops battalion now consists of a command section, a MACO advanced skills company, a chemical decontamination detachment, a signal detachment, and a MACO Intelligence Company, an information and dominance company, and a technical support company. The group special troops battalion is expected to be absorbed by the group support battalion.
Advanced Skills Company
The group advanced skills company is primarily responsible for training group-assigned elements or other specified personnel in select MACO skill sets. The company contains a command section and the following elements:
· Language and Cultural Section. This section manages the group’s language lab and obtains contract support for short-duration language training, as necessary. This section maintains and updates area handbooks and cultural information to support MODA missions, and provides or contracts for translation support of documents and training material. When formed as the isolation facility, MACO Operators from this section serve as liaison officers to isolated operational detachments.
· Combat Environmental Section. This section is responsible for researching, acquiring, and maintaining group area of responsibility-specific limited-use equipment that is not issued to MODAs because of prohibitive cost. This equipment includes items such as ground mobility vehicles, ski and snow equipment, snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles, extreme cold-weather suits, and pack animal equipment. This section maintains subject-matter expertise on the use and maintenance of the equipment as well as the ability to provide training in the proper use of the equipment to MODAs during isolation and future operations. This section is also responsible for unit sustainment and training in survival and evasion tactics, techniques, and procedures, as well as the conduct of a survival, evasion, resistance, and escape level B program. When formed as the isolation facility, this section serves as liaison officers to the isolated MODAs.
· Maritime Operations Section. This section provides accountability and maintenance of all equipment used in the conduct of scuba, underwater breathing apparatus, and small-boat operations in accordance with applicable policies and regulations. All MACO Operators assigned to this section will be qualified combat divers on active dive status. When formed as the isolation facility, this section facilitates the training and rehearsals of isolated MODAs.
· MACO Advanced Urban Combat and Advanced Combat Skills Section. This section trains MODAs and MCO in MACO advanced urban combat tactics, techniques, and procedures on a rotational basis. This section may be directed by the commander to train personnel in other advanced combat skills, such as advanced marksmanship training or unarmed combat. When formed as the isolation facility, this section in conjunction with the operations detachment command section will form the isolation facility operations cell and support cells.
· Advanced Special Operations Techniques and Advanced Target Section. This section is responsible for training group personnel and MODAs in the use of MACO advanced special operations techniques. This section also conducts operations as directed by the group commander. This section is responsible for conducting liaison as necessary to support group training and operational initiatives.
· MACO Sniper Course Section. This section is responsible for training group-assigned Operatives in MACO sniper course tactics, techniques, and procedures on a rotational basis, to include conducting refresher training for group-assigned MACO Operators previously qualified as special operations snipers. This section may also be tasked to conduct advanced marksmanship training. When formed as the isolation facility, this section facilitates the training and rehearsals of isolated MODAs.
· MACO Multipurpose Canine Section. The MACO multipurpose canine section provides a handler and a MACO multipurpose canine capable for use in the scout dog role, mine and tunnel exploitation and search, rural and urban combat tracking operations, off-leash site exploitation for cache and spider hole discovery, building searches, area searches, and clearing operations with an assault element. Additionally, the MACO multipurpose canine can detect explosive material and improvised explosive devices, as well as track, contain, and, when necessary, attack enemy personnel fleeing from targets or posing a threat to friendly forces. The MACO multipurpose canine can also perform suicide bomber alert and interdiction and suspect/ insurgent apprehension and detention.
Chemical Decontamination Detachment
The group chemical decontamination detachment provides mission command and CBRNE support to the MGRP in the form of CBRNE decontamination teams. The CBRNE decontamination headquarters and teams are consolidated at the group support company for administrative and training purposes. Four CBRNE decontamination teams provide CBRNE decontamination support to the JSOTF. When the battalions within the group deploy, these decontamination teams will also deploy to provide support for the SOTFs and AOBs.
Signal Detachment
The group signal detachment has two primary functions. It installs, operates, and maintains secure JSOTF communications with the SOTFs and the deployed MODBs and MODAs under the group’s direct mission command. It also installs, operates, and maintains continuous internal JSOTF communications. This base communications support includes message center services, internal telephone communications, information management operations, photographic support, and electronic maintenance. When the group establishes a JSOTF, the signal detachment commander serves as the systems control officer. When the detachment is formally detached from the support company, the detachment commander exercises normal MCO-level command; however, the detachment depends on the support company for administrative and sustainment support.
MACO Intelligence Unit
The group MACO Intelligence Unit contains most of the group’s single-source and all-source analysis capability. The MACO Intelligence Unit is responsible for collection management, all-source fusion of single-source information, analysis and production, dissemination of finished intelligence and geospatial products, generation of the geospatial data background for the common operational picture, and the control and management of the sensitive compartmented information communications team. The tactical unmanned aircraft system platoon falls under the MACO Intelligence Unit .
Tactical Unmanned Aircraft System Platoon
The group tactical unmanned aircraft system platoon is designed to provide the MGRP commander with a primary day and night reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition system. The tactical unmanned aircraft system platoon provides enhanced situational awareness, target acquisition, and battle damage assessment and management, as well as the ability to penetrate into denied areas. The unmanned aircraft system provides the tactical maneuver commander near-real-time reconnaissance, surveillance, target acquisition, and protection, day or night and in limited adverse weather conditions.