Taskforce31 MACO

MACO Company Reporting

MCOs reports are due into the MBN/MGRP Commander (If the position is being utilized) on the first of each and every month (12 reports per year total, one for each month). If received after the first but before the Sector Chiefs report deadline the report will be recorded as late. If the MBN Commander does not receive the report before his own reporting deadline (5th of each month) then the MCO will be designated as a Failure to Report (FTR).

MCO’s will utilize the online reporting form located on the MACO website: MACO Company Reporting Form | Taskforce31 . To access the online form, use the link provided above. The other way to access the online reporting tool is to go to the MACO website at Task Force 31 MACO Units | Taskforce31 and click the link on the right for MCO reporting.

The deadline for your MCO MRR is the first day of each month. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December. Only twelve MRRs a year. Your MRR should contain the following information.

Reporting Officer: (MACO Operator submitting the report)
Reporting Officer E-Mail Address: (E-mail of the MACO Operator submitting the report)
Month Reporting: (The month and year of report)
Type of MCO (MACO)
MCO Name (Example: Alpha Company)
MCO Nickname (example: “Raptors”)
MCO MACO Unit Identifier Code (example: MCO-A-0101)
MCO MACO Group Assignment (Enter the MACO Group the MCO is assigned to)
MCO MACO Battalion Assignment (Enter the MACO Battalion the MCO is assigned to)
MCO Website (If your MCO has one)
MCO Motto (If your MCO has one)
MCO Slogan (If your MCO has one)
MCO Chapter Assignment: (Name and Registry of the Chapter the MCO is assigned to)
Chapter CO: (Rank/Name of the Chapter CO)
MCO Commander Name (Example: Commander John Doe)
MCO Commander E-Mail Address
MCO Executive Officer (if you have more then one person assigned to your MCO, then you have an assistant)
MCO Executive Officer E-Mail Address
(* Use MACO Rank Abbreviated)

The next section of your report is very important. It is the MCO Operator roster section. From the MCO roster we determine how many Operators we actually have. Some awards, such as the MACO Good Conduct can be determined by a MACO Operator’s name appearing on 36 consecutive MRRs. The roster is extremely important and MUST contain the following information on every MACO Operator in the MCO.

(MCOs will use the following format and also the titled lines)

Assigned: (Total MACO Operators assigned to the MCO)
MCO Roster:
Name: (First and Last Name)
Rank: (Enter MACO Rank)
SCC#: (Enter above name individuals correct SN#)
SFI Expiration Date: (Enter SF Expiration Date currently listed in the SFI DB)

* Remember that only SFI members in good standing can be listed on your rosters. Good Standing means that the MACO Operator’s SFI membership has not expired at the time of your report and they DO NOT have an affiliation of SFI MACO in the individuals SFI DB Record. As an example: If a members SFI expiration date has expired and they have not renewed their membership when you write your report , then that member is not included in your MCO roster. If the member renewals before your next report, then you can add them back to your MCO roster for the next report. We are STF31 members first, MACO Operators second.

As the MCO Commander it is your responsibility to check your roster for accuracy. This can be done through two sources, the STF31 database and the MACO Database which is maintained by the MACO G-1 (Personnel). Keep a master copy of your roster with all the information and before each report check expiring members to be sure they have renewed. It is also a good idea to remind members to renew a few weeks to two months before they expire.

Remember that the MACO does not promote. Promotions can only be done by the chapters CO for ranks up to Commander/Lieutenant Colonel or by the Sector Chief for the rank of Captain/Colonel.

Following the roster section is the MCO Report section of your MCO MRR. This section is also very important. In this section, you will break down each category by paragraph. If you have no dates for a particular subsection as described below, put the title of the subsection and then an “N/A”. (example: Recruits– N/A)

MACO Operator Gains Total- Sum of all MACO Operator gains for the reporting period.

MACO Operator Gains Roster- By name list of all MACO Operator gains for the reporting period. Use the same format as the MCO Operator roster section. Add an additional row and state how are they new to the MCO i.e. Transferred from another MCO, recruited (If recruited place in parentheses who recruited that person)

Name: (First and Last Name)
Rank: (Enter MACO Rank)
SN#: (Enter above name individuals correct SN#)
STF31 Expiration Date: (Enter STF31 Expiration Date currently listed in the STF31 DB)
Gain Reason: (New Recruit (If recruited by another Operator, place name here), Transferred from another MCO, Reenlisted, STF31 Membership Renewed)
MACO Operator Loss Total- Sum of all MACO Operator losses for the reporting period.

MACO Operator Loss Roster- By name list of all losses for the reporting period. Use the same format as the MCO Operator roster section. Add an additional row and state how they are a loss to the MCO ie. Transferred to another MCO, STF31 Exp. Date expired, Discharged from MACO Program, Deceased.

Name: (First and Last Name)
Rank: (Enter MACO Rank)
SN#: (Enter above name individuals correct SN#)
STF31 Expiration Date: (Enter STF31 Expiration Date currently listed in the STF31 DB)
Loss Reason: Discharged from the MACO Program, transferred to another MCO, STF31 Membership Expired, Deceased.
MACO Awards Issued Total- Sum of all Awards issued to a MACO Operator this reporting period.

MACO Awards Issued Roster- List the names of the MACO Operators who received any MACO Awards during the reporting period. Group by the MACO Award. (Other awards other than MACO awards should be noted in the MCO Activities section of the MRR.

Kirk Leadership Award
MACO Operator Name
Date of Award
MACO Operator Name
Date of Award
MACO Awards Requested Total- Sum of all MACO Award submissions requested for a MACO Operator this reporting period.

MACO Awards Requested Roster- List in this section all MACO Awards requested for MACO Operators in your MCO. There is an online award nomination/request form that must be used. This section helps the chain of command to follow-up on awards requests that have been submitted by the MCOs. You should be able to determine from your rosters when your MACO Operators are due a MACO Good Conduct Award. This is issued by the MACO Commander but delegated to the MACO S-1 (Personnel) for every three years of uninterrupted MACO service which is a good reason to ensure that STF31 membership does not lapse. If a membership lapses for more than 24 hours, then the time count starts over again. Proper rosters can make tracking this award easy and you can submit the information to the MACO S-1 (Personnel) when the time comes.

Other MACO awards are listed in the MACO Awards Manual with the criteria for receiving them and who the awarding authority is. Send any requests for awards through the online awards form and list them in this section of your report. Remember, when submitting a MACO Operator for an award, detail completely what the person did to deserve the award. You may submit yourself for awards also if you feel that you deserve one, however the MACO chain of command frowns upon any MACO Operator holding any position in the chain of command awarding himself an award other than the MACO Good Conduct Award and the Major Joss Hayes Award.

MCO Monthly Activities Summary- This is a list or detailed description of activities since the last report. What did you’re MCO do as a MCO? As Individual Operators? What community service project are you involved in? What conventions, musters, meetings, etc. did the MCO Operators attend or otherwise participate in? This is another opportunity to get recognition for your MACO Operators. Let us know what is happening. Many of the annual awards are based on information obtained from your reports. If it wasn’t listed, it cannot be used for awards or annual awards.

To report Academy participation list the number of courses successfully completed from each academy for your Operators. (Example: Ens John Doe completed 12 SFA courses.)

The last section of the MCO MRR is one of the most important though rarely used. Problems, Comments, and Suggestions- We can’t fix it if we don’t know it’s broken. Please be sure to pass along items that fall in this category whether they are from yourself or a MACO Operator in your MCO.

If you had a problem in the MCO and have solved it, explain the problem and the solution. Someone else in MACO could have the same problem and not know what to do. Individual MACO Operators many times have very good suggestions on how we can streamline and advance. Make sure to send this information up the chain of command and always give credit where it is due.

Always follow the Officer’s Code of Conduct.

I. I will always conduct myself in a manner which brings credit to the MACO, my MCO, and myself
II. I will be resolute in the performance of my duty and the execution of MACO policy and regulations.
III. I will show courtesy to my subordinates, fellow officers, and superior officers at all times.
IV. I will strive for impartiality and fairness in judgment, and disqualify myself from decisions where my judgment may be compromised.
V. I will listen to both sides of a dispute, and act upon fact, not innuendo.
VI. I will never assume, but always verify.
VII. I will strive to defuse confrontations, not cause them.
VIII. I will be the first to praise, and the last to criticize.
IX. I will praise in public, and criticize in private.
X. I will strive to be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

Lastly click the submit button on the lower left corner of the page and send it in ON TIME. That is the first day of every month. If for some reason you know that your report is going to be late or you are going to have difficulty sending it in, you should contact the person to which you normally send the report and let them know. It helps to have an MCOXO who can file a report in an emergency. Furthermore, the reporting officer does not necessarily have to be the MCOCO but the MCOCO should approve the report. Be sure that this person is kept in the loop and knows who to send the report to and what needs to be included. In a real emergency you should be sure that at least the complete roster is sent on time. Always follow up when the emergency is over to be certain that the report was received.

Reporting is the only job the MCOCO is required to do in relation to the MACO apart from the initial training certification requirement to be a MCOCO. If you’re not willing to make that effort on behalf of the MACO Operators in your MCO, you will be doing them a disservice by accepting this position. By failing to report, you fail to support these MACO Operators properly. MCO reports that are filed after the first but before the fifth will be counted as Late. If they are not received before the MBN reports are due to the MGRPCO on the fifth, the MCO will be reported as FTR by the MBNCO. Reports not properly filled out will be returned for completion. Two (2) late reports will be counted as one (1) Failure to Report. After three (3) Failure to Reports in a 12-month period the Chapter CO will be contacted with a request to replace the MCOCO. If the Chapter’s CO chooses not to replace the MCOCO and there occurs, one more FTR in the next three months the MCO risks being deactivated and losing their number.

The last responsibility of the MCOCO is the dissemination of information. You are responsible for seeing that the MACO Operators in your MCO are kept aware of happenings in MACO. Visit the MACO website at Task Force 31 Military Assault Command Operations | Taskforce31.

Perhaps your MCO/MBN/MGRP has a list, website or Facebook page of its own or you can relay information at meetings and chapter newsletters. But it is important that the chain of command be a two-way communication.

An example of a MCO report is shown in Appendix B of the MACO Special Warfare Operator’s Manual.

MCO MRR Recipients

The below E-mails are the minimum recipients. The automated reporting tool located on the MACO website will automatically send your report to all who need to receive it.

Email for the MACO Commander is tf31maco.co@gmail.com
Email for the MACO Deputy Commander is tf31maco.dco@gmail.com
Email for the MACO G-3 (Operations) is tf31maco.g3@gmail.com

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