Taskforce31 MACO

MACO Special Skills Badges

The MACO Special Skills Badges listed below are the ONLY authorized badges recognized by the STF31 MACO. These special skill badges recognize STF31 MACO Operators that have completed specific training requirements.

STF31 MACO Basic Aerospace Badge  
Awarded to any MACO Operator who completes of the STF31 SFA Basic Flight School

Issuing Authority: Director, STF31 MACO

Note: Awarding of the skill badge in not authorized if the MACO Operator is not already a graduate of the STF31 MACO Qualification Course prior to awarding of this skill badge.
STF31 MACO Advance Aerospace Badge 
Awarded to any MACO Operator who completes the STF31 SFA Advanced Flight School.

Issuing Authority: Director, STF31 MACO

Note: Awarding of the skill badge in not authorized if the MACO Operator has not already completed and awarded the STF31 MACO Basic Aerospace Wings prior to awarding of this skill badge.
STF31 MACO Basic Parachutist Badge
Awarded to any MACO Operator who completes the STF31 MACO Qualification Course, phase 1C.

Issuing Authority: Director, STF31 MACO
Advance MACO Qualification Badge
Awarded to any MACO Operator who completes the STF31 MACO Grade 10 Certification and who has completed all STF31 MACO Additional Skill Certifications available at the time of presenting the badge. The Operator must also be assigned to a MACO Operational Detachment (MOD) for one (1) complete year immediately prior to the awarding of this badge.

Issuing Authority: STF31 MACO Director
Advance MACO Qualification Badge
Awarded to any MACO Operator who completes the STF31 MACO Grade 10 Certification and who has completed all STF31 MACO Additional Skill Certifications available at the time of presenting the badge. The Operator must also be assigned to a MACO Operational Detachment (MOD) for one (1) complete year immediately prior to the awarding of this badge.

Issuing Authority: STF31 MACO Director
Expert MACO Badge
Awarded to any MACO Operator who completes the STF31 MACO Grade 10 Certification and who has completed all STF31 MACO Additional Skill Certifications available at the time of presenting the badge. The Operator must also be assigned to a MACO Operational Detachment (MOD) for two (2) complete year immediately prior to the awarding of this badge.

Issuing Authority: STF31 MACO Director

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