MACO Special Warfare Battalion Commanders report every month to the units assigned MACO Special Warfare Group Commander. Other members of the assigned MACO Special Warfare Group Staff will also receive copies of the report for information purposes such as the MGRP S-1 who looks at strength reporting, awards information etc.
In the situation where MACO Battalion Commanders are not being utilized, the reporting chain will be the MACO Operational Detachment reports to the MACO Company, MACO Company reports to the MACO Group, The MACO Group reports to the MACO G-3 (Operations).
*Note: If the case where the MACO Group Commander position is not being utilized, the MACO Company Commander reports directly to the MACO G-3 (Operations).
The deadline for your MACO Battalion report is the fifth day each month. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December. Only twelve reports a year.
There’s a lot more to reporting than just collecting and forwarding other peoples’ reports. As a matter of fact, this is not the proper procedure for any position within the reporting Chain of Command (CoC). Each position of the reporting CoC above the MACO Company is primarily utilized to assist the next position in dealing with processing the information from the MACO Company reports.
The MACO Battalion Commander is responsible for reporting the strength of the MACO Battalion to the MACO Group S-3 (Operations) along with activities, promotions, awards, etc. This information essentially comes from the MACO Company reports. The MACO Battalion Commander has the prerogative to populate the MACO Battalion level positions to help in that job or to collect all the MACO Company reports personally. The proper procedure for the MACO Battalion Commander to report this information to the MACO Group S-3 (Operations) is by compiling all the information from the MACO Company reports into one report. If the MACO Battalion Commander simply forwards the individual reports to the MACO Group S-3 (Operations), then there is no use in having anyone in the MACO Battalion Commander position.
The one thing to remember in all this is that the MACO Company (MCO) information is what is important. This is what should be reported first and foremost. What the MACO Battalion Commander is looking for in the report from the MACO Company Commanders is all their unit information. At the beginning of the report is the area for listing what MACO Battalion (MBN) is reporting and their contact information. After that will be the active MCOs and their contact information. After that, all the MACO Battalion Commander is concerned with is the MCOs. The MACO group Commander already knows what MBN the MCO is in from the report and their MBN assignment will be stated in the individual MCOs information.
Example: If the MBN is MBN 01 and has four MCOs assigned. This is how the information will come to the MGRP in the MBN reports:
1 MBN |
MCO-A-0101 |
MCO-B-0101 |
MCO-C-0101 |
MCO-D-0101 |
The MACO Battalion Commander should send this information on to the MACO Group Commander like this:
You can see this information is separated into MCOs. It is reporting the MCO information. All sections of the report should be compiled in this manner.
MBN reporting information is below:
Reporting: (Who is submitting the report)
Reporting E-mail: (E-mail address of person filing the report)
Report Date: (Month and Year Reporting)
MACO Group and MACO Battalion Numerical Designation: (Example: 0101)
MACO Battalion Commander: (Rank and Name)
MACO Battalion Commander E-mail:
MACO Battalion Deputy Commander: (Rank and Name)
MACO Battalion Deputy Commander E-mail:
The next section of the report is the MBN Data. In this area the MACO Battalion Commander will list the reporting status of all MCOs in the MBN. MCOs will be grouped by MBN and MCO Designation sequence. The formatting is as follows:
MACO Battalion numerical designation #
MCO number, MCO name, MCO motto
If the MCO reported on time, you just make the entry in the above format. If the MCO report was “Late” or “FTR”, make a note of it after the MCO motto. Example:
MCO-A-0101, Alpha Company “White Griffins”, “Tip of the Spear” -Late
MCO-B-0101, Bravo Company “Death Angels”, “Second to None”
MCO-C-0101, Charlie Company “Death Heads”, “Lead from the Front” -FTR
MCO-D-0101, Delta Company, “Ghost Riders”, “First in Last Out”
The MBN # is only listed once at the beginning of the MCO listings.
The next section of the report is “MCOs NOT reporting:” Each MCO that was identified as FTR will be listed in this section. The information needed is the standard MCO information as used above. Then the Name of the MCO Commander and email address.
The formatting will be:
MCOs NOT reporting:
MCO-C-0101, Charlie Company, “Dead Heads”, “Lead from the Front”
MCO Commander Name
MCO Commander E-mail Address
MBN Strength – Provide the number of MACO Special Warfare Operators/Officers assigned to MCOs within the MBN, the number of unassigned MACO Special Warfare Operators/Officer in the MBN and the number of active MCOs in the MBN. The following format must be followed:
57 assigned/ 5 unassigned, 62 MACO Special Warfare Operators/Officers total, 4 MCOs
The next section is the MCO Rosters. The Operators/Officers are grouped by MCO. The following format will be used:
MCO Numerical Designation, MCO Name, MCO Motto
STF31 Exp Date:
STF31 Exp Date:
The MCO info is only listed once with the beginning of the particular MCO. The labels (Name:, SN#: Rank: and STF31 Exp Date:) for each line must be present.
Remember that an Operator/Officer must be a member of STF31.
This section of your report is very important. It is the PERSONNEL DATA section. From the roster we determine how many Operators/Officers we actually have. Some awards, such as the MACO Good Conduct can be determined by an Operative’s name appearing on 12 consecutive reports. The roster is extremely important and MUST contain the following information on every Operator/Officer within the MBN.
All Operators/Officers MUST be members in good standing with STF31. We are STF31 members first, Operators/Officers second. If a STF31 membership is expired the name and information belongs in the “Losse’d” list, if the member does not plan on renewing, or has not renewed at the time of your report.
As the MACO Battalion Commander it is your responsibility to check your roster for accuracy. This can be done through two sources; the chapter CO can verify information from the STF31 database or the MACO Company Commander can request updated rosters from the MACO G-1 (Personnel) which maintains the MACO personnel database. Keep a master copy of your roster with all the information and before each report check expiring members to be sure they have renewed.
“Changes to roster” is the next section in reporting. List each change of personnel that took place during the reporting period. List Gains first and then Losses. Use the following format:
MACO Group
MCO Designation, MCO Name, MCO Motto
STF31 Exp Date:
Reason: (State why they are a gain, such “Recruited”, “Transferred in from another MCO” and STF31 Membership Renewed” If recruited place in parenthesis who recruited them).
MACO Group
MCO Designation, MCO Name, MCO Motto
STF31 Exp Date:
Reason: (State why they are a loss, such “Discharged”, “Transferred to another MCO” and “STF31 Membership Exp”.
As mentioned above, if the MCO has more than 1 gain or loss, the MBN or MCO info only needs to be listed with the first Operator/Officer. The same goes with the MBN label.
The next section is “MACO Company Activated:” List all new MCO’s activated in your MBN for the reporting period. Use the following format:
MACO Company Activated:
MCO Designation, MCO Name, MCO Motto
MCO Commander Name
MCO Commander Email:
If no new MCO’s during the reporting period, the format should be as follows:
MACO Company Activated:
The next section is “MACO Company Deactivated:” List all MCOs deactivated in your MBN for the reporting period. Use the following format:
MACO Company Deactivated:
MCO Designation, MCO Name, MCO Motto
MCO Commander Name:
MCO Commander Email:
Reason: (Example could be “FTR”, “MCO Commander requested” or “Chapter CO requested”
If no MCOs deactivated during the reporting period, the format should be as follows:
MACO Company Deactivated:
The next section is “Awards Issued:” In this section, first list the name of the Award that was issues, next is the MCO Designation, MCO Name and then MCO motto, next would be the Name of the person the award was issued to, then rank and then SN#. Only awards that are awarded by the MACO Commander and/or listed in the MACO Awards Manual will be listed. Exceptions are awards issued by their chapter, and STF31. Use the following format:
Awards Issued:
MACO Good Conduct Award-3 yr
MCO-A-0101, Alpha Company, “Strike Eagles”. “Death from above”
Name: Danial K. Williams
Rank: Ensign
SN: 12345
If no awards were issued during the reporting period, the format would be”
Awards Issued:
The next section is “Awards Requested:” In this section, first list the name of the Award that was requested, next is the MCO Designation, MCO Name and then MCO motto, next would be the Name of the person the award was recommended for, then rank then SN#, then summarize why the awarded was requested and finally the date the award was earned. Use the following format:
Awards Requested:
MCO-A-0101, Alpha Company, “Strike Eagles”. “Death from above”
Major Hayes Award-MACO
Date earned:
If no awards were requested during the reporting period, the format would be”
Awards Requested:
*Note: See the MACO Awards Manual for more information pertaining to MACO Awards.
The next section is “Activities:” This is a list or detailed description of activities since the last report. What did the MCOs in your MBN do as a MBN?, As a MCO? As a MOD? and as individuals? What community service project are you involved in? What conventions, musters, meetings, etc. did the MCO members attend or otherwise participate in? This is another opportunity to get recognition for your Operators/Officers. Let us know what is happening. Many of the annual awards are based on information obtained from your reports.
It is not necessary for MCOs to report their plans for the next reporting period or the list of courses that the Operators/Officers have taken. You can however list the number of courses from each academy. (Example: Ens John Doe completed 12 SFA courses.) Use the following format:
MACO Battalion Activities:
MCO-A-0101, Alpha Company, “Strike Eagles”. “Death from above”
(Enter MCO activities from the MCO report)
If no activities are reported in the MCO report, use the following format:
MACO Group Activities:
MCO-A-0101, Alpha Company, “Strike Eagles”. “Death from above”
No activities report
The final section of the report is one of the most important though rarely used. Problems, Comments, and Suggestions- We can’t fix it if we don’t know it is broken. Please be sure to pass along items that fall in this category whether they are from yourself or an Operator/Officer in your MCO.
If you had a problem in the MBN and have solved it, explain the problem and the solution. Someone else in MACO could have the same problem and not know what to do. Individual Operators/Officers sometimes have very good suggestions on how we can streamline and advance. Make sure to send this information up the chain and always give credit where it is due. Use the following format:
Problems, Comments, and Suggestions:
MCO-A-0101, Alpha Company, “Strike Eagles”. “Death from above”
(Describe the issue and what course of Actions did the MCO take to have the issued resolved)
If the MCO had nothing to report for Problems, Comments, and Suggestions, use the following format:
Problems, Comments, and Suggestions:
MCO-A-0101, Alpha Company, “Strike Eagles”. “Death from above”
The MACO Battalion Commander is responsible for reporting the compiled information from the MCO reports by the due date and no later. The MACO Group Commander has the option for replacing any MACO Battalion Commander who fails to report or is consistently late in reporting.
In the case of a vacancy of a MACO Battalion Commander, the MACO Group Commander has the option to accept applications for the position or to fill the position without applications, should this course of action be determined best for the MGRP at the time. It is strongly suggested that MGRP and MBN Commander positions be held by persons who are members of the MCO/MBN/MGRP in question. The reason for this is that a person who is and has been a member of the affected area should have a better understanding of the particulars of that area. If there is no qualified applicant for the position to be found within the area, an applicant from outside the MCO/MBN/MGRP may be considered.
See Appendix E of the MACO Operations Manual for an example of a MBN Report.
Report recipients
The below E-mails are the minimum recipients. The automated reporting tool located on the MACO website will automatically send your report to all who need to receive it.
Email for the MACO Commander:
Email for the MACO Deputy Commander:
Email for the MACO G-1:
Email for the MACO G-3:
Email for the MACO MCPO: