The Starfleet Task Force 31 MACO Awards manual is currently be reviewed for updates at this time and will be made available as soon as review process is completed.

Starfleet Task Force 31 MACO awards recognize Starfleet Task Force 31 MACO Operators and units for outstanding and significant service, deeds, accomplishments and achievements. Some awards awarded to chapters or individuals may carryover and is processed on a case-by-case situation.
These awards are recognized from the chapter (ship or installation) level to the STF31 level, thus in order to keep the program as simple as possible, there are no different levels of the same awards. Instead, the awards are appropriate for the action or accomplishment being cited.
Carefully read the award criteria in order to determine the appropriate award for recommendation. All awards are listed in the descending order of precedence. An explanation of the ribbons (TOS style or TWOK style) and devices are described in the awards manual and this site.